Cammack’s Clinical Services

Diabetes Education

  • An opportunity for you to learn about Diabetes – Introduction, meter usage/BG patterns, medications and insulin, managing BG issues, nutrition, long term complications, foot care, emotional health and coping, and assist you in developing a personalized plan for self-care. Please see class content Cammack’s Living Life Well with Diabetes

  • The course is a total of 9 hours of education divided into 3 hour sessions over the span of 3 weeks
  • Any person diagnosed with Diabetes 1 or 2 who has not yet attended a DSME course.  Attendees are encouraged to bring a support person (partner, spouse, caregiver or family member) to learn alongside you
  • Call 360-504-3961 please leave your name and contact phone number and we’ll return your call as soon as possible

  • We will work with your Insurance and Primary Care Provider to get authorization & referral for your enrollment in next available class
  • A team of clinicians including a Diabetes Educator, Registered Dietitian and Pharmacist 

Travel Consultations

We offer 30-minute consultations with a licensed Pharmacist, where they will go over your medical history and itinerary, advising you of all current travel recommendations. Each consultation is tailored specifically to you! Appointments are available for a consultation fee of $75 (plus $50 for each additional member of your party seen at the appointment). While every effort will be made to bill your medical insurance plan for any vaccines or other medications necessary, these may incur additional charges, including copay and deductible amounts. You will be provided with an International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis (ICVP), also referred as a “Yellow Card,” when necessary for your destination. 
Click here for more information, or so set up an appointment.

Immunizations & Vaccinations:

FLU Influenza- Hi Dose, Flu-Bloc  (seasonal)
Hepatitis A&B
HPV Human Papillomavirus
TDaP Tetanus, Diptheria & Pertussis
MMR Measles, Mumps Rubella
Travel vaccines available by appointment-Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, Cholera, Chikungunya, Tick Borne Encephalitis and Typhoid.
Please bring insurance card(s)

Transitions of Care

  • Setup an appointment with your Provider (Pharmacist) if you or someone you care for is going through a transition of care that involves changes in their medications (stopping, starting, or both):
    • Discharged from HOSPITAL to HOME
    • Moving from Assisted Living to HOME
    • Moving from a Nursing Home to Assisted Living or HOME
    • Moving into your HOME and you will be providing care/oversight
    • Moving from HOME to Assisted Living
  • We are here to help you navigate through these transitions, providing you with medication consultation and management suggestions

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Services

Medication therapy management, also referred to as MTM, is a term used to describe a broad range of health care services provided by pharmacists, the medication experts on the health care team.  If you have Medicare Part D, have multiple “core” chronic conditions (2+) or taking multiple drugs (2-8), setup an appointment with your Provider (Pharmacist) to provide you with:

  • Medication Therapy Review (MTR)
  • Personal Medication Record (PMG)
  • Medication Action Plan (MAP)
  • Intervention and referral, documentation and follow up

Rapid LAB Tests

Rapid Lab tests. COVID testing available with same day results