Travel Consultation

Jim’s Pharmacy: Your partner for travel health!

If you travel outside the United States, you may need vaccinations or oral medications to protect yourself from illnesses not common in the United States.
No referrals needed!
We offer 30-minute consultations with a licensed Pharmacist, where they will go over your medical history and itinerary, advising you of all current travel recommendations. Each consultation is tailored specifically to you! Appointments are available for a consultation fee of $75 (plus $50 for each additional member of your party seen at the appointment). While every effort will be made to bill your medical insurance plan for any vaccines or other medications necessary, these may incur additional charges, including copay and deductible amounts. You will be provided with an International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis (ICVP), also referred as a “Yellow Card,” when necessary for your destination.
Please be aware the some vaccinations require multiple doses, and it is recommended that vaccinations are completed up to a month in advance of departure.

Travel Vaccinations

Yellow Fever
Japanese Encephalitis
Hepititis A
Hepititis B

Travel Medications

Traveler’s Diarrhea
Acute Mountian Sickness
Motion Sickness